Tuesday, December 05, 2006

An up date

Shay is going to be fine. It is hard for me to give her the pills. I haven't even given hers to her today ( first one too) It's kind of like if I give her the first one, it's too real. Dumb huh? She has bi-valves of the tricuspid aorta ( if I understand it right ) They were able to see yesterday that she did have the tri valve but that it fused at some time during her development. They don't know why it happens. All the valves form at the same time but this one sometimes fuses. She has a very small amount of leakage through that valve as it does not seal well. But the amount is very small so it is not a concern. She is going on the medication because her heart sometimes races quite fast for no reason. She has had some pain in her chest which is what prompted me to take her in again. Pain in the chest seemed like something to take seriously. The cardiologist has a list of three criteria's to decide how to treat the kids. She meets 2 out of 3 so she needs to treat the symptoms. It is probable that she will be on it for only one year. I guess we will see want happens. Her condition is not a heart condition that is life threatening. She needs to be protected in case of surgery against infection so it is important to know that she has this so they can start antibiotics should it be needed. She never turns blue or faints. She is healthy and active. She is a bouncy kid! So really it is a mental block type of thing for me - heart medication - scary! I will process it and deal with it. The medication will initially make her a bit dopey but it should wear off and she will be fine. Answer your questions? Concerning but not lethal...... a further note after writing this I was able to get her to swallow her first pill though she was sure she could not do it.She is growing up right before our eyes. Great job Shaylene.


Blogger Sarah Jennifer said...

Shay is in my Prayers.


6:48 a.m.  
Blogger Matthew Francis said...

Us too, for sure!

God bless you all.

2:46 p.m.  
Blogger Dianne said...

Thank you everyone. she is doing good and can swallow her pills no problem!

9:10 p.m.  

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