Thursday, April 13, 2006

School Boards, Foot and Mouth Disease and Honorable Reasons

After a weekend at the homeschool conference, at which I religiously poured over all the school boards information....Trying not to be biased and generally guilting myself for leaving the board I am with.....I get home and find a letter from them saying they are no longer doing home school. Well that made that easy....Now to find another board. Not easy. Funding, support, resources, and parent's control....Credits and diploma's....So much to think about. Who would think I could have done this to myself, afterall I didn't have to home school these dears.....But I am glad I have. We are a close family and they are great kids. I see more of my flaws in them, than I would like but also they are so much better than I was at their age. Nice to see all the craziness pay off.
Now the big mouth thing. I have been known to say things that others don't like.....I don't know why LOL LOL LOL LOL but it happens. I guess not everyone appreciates it ....But this time I stand by what I said. I do think we need to be very careful not to judge others - cultures included. If that offends....Tough. I think that we need to model a loving attitude to others that do things differently than we would. I do not think we need to become like others but rather to honor them in Christ and leave the work of correction up to the Lord. I do not want my children to think it is alright to sit in judgment of others. So I guess I get the bad rap. Plus to offend one, and not the other's makes me wonder- how wrong I am? Possible not to far off the mark? So I have said my apologies, checked with everyone and only one actually got bent out of shape - Everyone else understood what I was saying....Go figure. So put away the tissues and live your life to your convictions. You can't make everyone happy.
Honorable Reasons - death, illness, or both. In any order - hopefully not at the same time. Of course missing a limb due to combat on the morning of Church might qualify.....?