Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Guess Who?

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July 12th Hail storm

Gardening here is always a challenge.

New Crop - Hail

Skip the iceberg lettuce - plant here and get.... well..... Posted by Picasa

Could have been Worse

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Should have planted rice

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Gardening under the Arch

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Cousins Playing

The Kids in the backyard


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Will and Char

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Long Weekend Feast

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Steph and Josh

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Steph and Josh

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Shay on the Swing

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Jen and Katie

We all enjoyed visiting the July longweekend. Katie looks like her mother did when she was little but has thicker hair! She is a sweet little dolly! Jen is expecting their 2nd child in the new year.  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Called to Serve - Will gets Ordained

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In this together - what ever it takes

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Prayers being Said for Will and Pam

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A Happy Moment

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Newly Ordained- Will and Pam

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Four Generations

Great Grandma, Grandma, Mom and Girls - My Sister in law ( friend) and family. Posted by Picasa

Finding a fun Park

This will have to be our favourite stop on the trip to Grandma's from now on. Posted by Picasa

Dad and Odie

Aren't they handsome? Posted by Picasa

A Bird in a Bush

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The Climbing Tree

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Family, Flower's and Fun

Odie couldn't miss being in the picture but Sean wouldn't let him get too close. "Me no like Grandma's puppy" Was his constant song. He did begin to tolerate him a bit at the end of our visit.The girl's and I worked on the flower bed for a few days and it looked quite nice for picture taking. Posted by Picasa