Friday, June 30, 2006

Our Yard

It is beginning to show some promise. Lots of apples on the trees. Posted by Picasa

Pretty Clouds

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Di turns 40

After a great meal and some nice grape juice ...I get cake!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 26, 2006

At the Farm

Things are going well up here. It is about 35 degrees so this afternoon we are hiding indoors. Grandmas' garden is doing very well. Odie is calmed down a bit and we are eating like pigs! So far the kids have fed the chickens picked eggs, and driven the tractor around, had a picnic and gone for a long hike. Shay has been journalling some nature hi-lights and learning observation techniques. Sean doesn't like gramma's dog, but is getting less scared of him. I will take Clar to the airport today as he is back at work tomorrow. See you all soon, luv me....

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Poor Mrs. Noah

Is anyone else sick of rain? It has been hot humid windy and wet for so long I think I could grow mold on my sunny side. I got a 1/2 wine barrel to make a water feature but with the dismal days I have not been able to work on it. I emptied it out 2 days ago and turned it over to dry out a bit, what did I find underneath ? Mold. Yuck. My mini forest can't get planted as the ground is too heavy for me to dig. But on the good side the trees and shrubs that are still in pots are not drying out. My garden has a couple small ponds in it; the curse of too much clay. Next year we will add more organic material to the soil and more zeolite and more triple mix ( Clarence's new favourite gardening additive) . He feels we will need one bag per square and as much peatmoss ( 4 large bales ) as we added this year. I do find that the zeolite does not let the clay form a crust and therefore provides better air circulation and drainage. However I had to add a lot to get that result. For those who don't know: zeolite is like a very coarse sand. If you added regular sand to all this clay you would likely make bricks as it would bind.......I am hoping that this rain will bring some good. My neighbour decided to heed my advice and round up his quack grass that is plaguing him. However he did it in such a way as to kill my two currant bushes and damage some of my garden plants. If there is any hope for them; I wonder if rain will help.....??? Sigh. I guess I can't complain though, I am not stuck in the ark with all my relatives and alot of stinky did she not go crazy? I applaud you, Mrs. Noah.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sister's, Friends, and other guys

Not having had a sister to grow up with has left me stinted in the "how to be a girl friend" department. Adding to that the always moving factor of being a daughter of a forest ranger...I have not ever lived in one location longer than a few years till arriving here in southern Alberta. 11 years in the same local. So I have been learning lots about friendships and long term relationships. They take commitment and hard work. Not to mention sacrifice. Weird - you would think that would come naturally to me- being such an out going goof but - no. I have thought on all the scriptures regarding friendship and love for many years and done study. It is so revealing....
So things I have learned:
1. Friends are not perfect - just like me.
2. Commitment to a friend is vital - otherwise your not a real friend.
3. Apply the principle "you be David, I'll be Jonathan" - friendships take sacrifice.
4. A friend loves at ALL times - perfect love cast out all fear - etc. ( all love verses apply !)
5. As I am growing and changing so are my friends.- I can't wait to see what God is doing!
6. There is so much more to learn.

I have other thoughts but that's it for now.

You know you are if I've been too me! This week I sew!!!!!! For Father's Larry and Richard.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hope he didn't have beans last night

obviously a 'photoshop' picture - but funny all the same.

Tough love vs. Spanking

(a psychological conundrum)
Most of America's populace think it improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have one of "those moments."
One that I found effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk. They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our car ride together. I've included a photo below of one of my sessions with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.
A Friend

this was an email from my lovely sister-in-law.....note the speed of this car........does anyone recognize this poor child?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Celebrate Life

I get to turn 40 tomorrow. Someone told me to celebrate being 40. I never thought of it as anything else. I doubt I'll get any more respect from anyone but being 40 is going to be good. Besides the hot flashes and night sweats - I like being the older me. Well now I get to look forward to fifty..................

Global Warming