Monday, May 29, 2006

Shaylene lost her first tooth

At first we thought she ate it but it has been found ! She is moving into a new phase of life.... already she sounds funny......the cute toothless grin returns. Char also lost hers a couple nights ago.....but the tooth fairy was too tired to come, so.....I guess I better email the tooth fairy and tell him or her to bring home $$$$$.

For Sonia

These are the professional pictures we had done. Most of the final I did in video and because of the lighting in the hall the regular pictures are not good. But these are great aren't they?


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Zhurvali Dancer's 2006

Monday, May 22, 2006

Just another day at home School Paradise

Flash card for Sean.....Flash card for Shay.......good thing I only have 2 arms or they would all want my help.
Shay is basically finished grade one. I started her on her grade two L.A. already. No rush though. Just keep her out of trouble....... Posted by Picasa

Sean's Experiment with Mascara

Every lash perfectly coated but then so were the eyelids and nose and legs and .............
Later he tried out 2 tubes of lipstick and one compact of blush which no longer exists. He has his Dad worried........looks more goul than girl to me though. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sean's art work

Sean has been drawing and colouring like mad these days. His palette is only limited to his imagination. Green suns on the lino and "potato" people everywhere. He seems to be catching on to paper though so no more removing crayon from the coffee table this week. He is writing letter's and doing "school" work while I teach the others....wouldn't want to mis out! Posted by Picasa